Bits & bytes for March 1st 2024

Weird thought to come into this week with; but where is Killzone? It was a fabled series sent to battle the might of Halo. It's storied, had controversies, won awards and built a strong, vibrant community in it's online ecosystem. I have fond memories playing Killzone 3 online for hours in their innovative mode that changed game mode on the same map over the course of the round.

But it's last release was in 2013, with Shadow Fall. Which felt more like a PS4 tech demo than an actual game that Guerrilla, or Sony, cared deeply about. And since then, there's been nothing. Small easter-egg hints in other titles like Horizon or even The Last of Us, but nothing official. I would like to think that FPS' within Sony aren't a bad word. But it feels like they just don't want to dabble in that world, particularly with them now owning Bungie (who were the originators of Halo).

I would love Killzone to resurface. It was a very cool world built by the team who built it. And each game advanced the story, narrative and the tech so much that it gave rise to the likes of Horizon.


What I'm playing this week:

  • Stardew Valley